Thursday Motivation

Because motivation is needed every day of the week… not just Monday!

This week I did something I have never done before, I bought my first Christmas present. In October. I was shocked too, I made the decision to get started early this year, mainly so I don’t use all my November wage on presents!

I started back at the gym again this week, I was working really hard and doing the 5:2 diet before I went away to Dublin and New York. Since I have been back I just couldn’t get back into healthy eating and exercising, despite putting the half a stone I lost back on! Realising it is only 11 weeks until Christmas, I know I need to put in some hard work to shift the weight before the holiday season filled with drinking and chocolate begins!

I’m starting this week by going to a few classes at the gym to ease back into the exercise, I’ve already done Pilates and Zumba! Next week I’m starting back on the 5:2 diet!

Wish me luck!

Monday Motivation

There’s nothing better for someone trying to lose weight than someone noticing all the effort you have been putting in.

Over the past two days I have been complimented a couple of times about how much slimmer I look.

The worrier in my head thought “has everyone been thinking what a fat cow all this time?!” but that was soon knocked away.

I have been doing the 5:2 diet for the last six weeks and it is something that really works for me, so for people to recognise that I am changing is great!

Sometimes I will be eating a salad on a fast day and will be just craving a burger or something deep fried, but then what’s the point? I was unhappy at the weight I was and I sure don’t want to go back!

So my thought for Monday is… keep going you’re doing great!