The bucket list for life

Instead of making a bucket list of things I want to do before I’m 30 I wanted to make a bucket list that I can complete and add to all my life. As you grow older your goals and dreams change.

I have already done some of the things on my list but as I probably won’t do them again I have included them!

Some of the things on my bucket list are cliché and generic, and some are personal to me. I’ve been inspired by other bucket list blogs and of course Pinterest, I hope you enjoy!


1. Go scuba diving
2. Go ziplining
3. Jump off a cliff into water
4. Learn to ski
5. Ride a horse
6. Ride a hot air balloon
7. Ride a jetski
8. Sail a boat
9. Skydive
10. Slide down a firemans pole
11. Stand under a waterfall
12. Swim with dolphins
13. Walk on hot coals
14. Wrap a snake around my neck
15. Go skinny dipping
16. Go paragliding


1. Be happy with my weight
2. Complete a 10k run
3. Dive off a top diving board
4. Learn to belly dance
5. Learn to cartwheel
6. Learn to salsa dance
7. Run a colour run
8. Run an 8 minute mile
9. Run barefoot along a beach
10. Run the London marathon
11. Run the Great North Run
12. Take a yoga class
13. Try pole dancing


1. Attend a film premier
2. Attend a murder mystery dinner
3. Be a member of a TV show audience
4. Get a book signed by an author
5. Go to a music festival
6. Go to a music festival abroad
7. Go to the Olympics
8. Go to the Winter Olympics
9. See a Cirque du Soleil show
10. See a Wimbledon final match
11. Take a selfie with someone famous
12. Watch a ballet
13. Watch an opera
14. Watch Shakespeare at The Globe
15. Watch a Broadway show
16. Go to a midnight movie premier
17. Go to a drive-in movie night

Personal Development

1. Become an organ donor
2. Buy a homeless person a meal
3. Complete a 365 day photo challenge
4. Conquer a fear
5. Create a library in my house
6. Get paid for one of my photographs
7. Learn a new language
8. Learn shorthand
9. Learn sign language (not just the alphabet)
10. Learn to play a whole song on guitar
11. Live alone
12. Make a memory jar
13. Raise over £1000 for charity
14. Work for a magazine
15. Be an agony aunt in Cosmopolitan
16. Write down any regrets and burn them
17. Graduate from University
18. Complete a Masters Degree


1. Be a maid of honour
2. Be a godmother
3. Be kissed in the rain
4. Be met at the airport, like in the movies
5. Be my own boss
6. Be silent for 24 hours
7. Dance with my dad at my wedding
8. Get married
9. Go on a blind date
10. Go on a picnic date
11. Have a child
12. Have a surprise party thrown for me
13. Kiss under fireworks
14. Kiss under mistletoe
15. Kiss under water
16. Leave a trail of red roses through the house
17. Read a book under a willow tree
18. Throw a surprise party
19. Totally disconnect from the world for a week


1. Get a complete makeover
2. Get a henna tattoo
3. Get a tattoo
4. Go blonde
5. Go on a spa weekend
6. Have a Brazilian wax
7. Have a professional boudoir photo shoot
8. Have my eyebrows threaded
9. Go on a no budget shopping spree
10. Walk into a designer shop and buy what I want. No price limit.
11. Wear coloured contact lenses


1. Attend a cocktail masterclass
2. Attend a cooking class
3. Bake a giant cupcake
4. Bake a loaf of bread
5. Be vegetarian for a month
6. Catch and cook a fish
7. Cook Christmas dinner on my own
8. Drink in an ice bar
9. Eat alone in a restaurant
10. Eat oysters
11. Eat snails
12. Go wine tasting
13. Have a food fight
14. Leave a 100% tip for a waiter
15. Make skittles vodka
16. Throw a dinner party
17. Try a battered Mars bar
18. Have a summertime picnic with friends


1. Attend a fashion show
2. Attend a masquerade ball
3. Be a tourist in my own city
4. Buy the person behind me a coffee
5. Camp under the stars
6. Crowd surf
7. Dance in the rain
8. Dance on a bar
9. Fly in a helicopter
10. Go skinny dipping
11. Go to a psychic
12. Go VIP in a club for a night
13. Go zorbing
14. Have a bonfire on the beach
15. Have a mud fight
16. Have a paint fight
17. Jump into a pool fully clothed
18. Make a melted crayon picture
19. Make an adult blanket fort
20. Milk a cow
21. Party on a yacht
22. Play hide and seek in Ikea
23. Race a race car on a track
24. Ride a camel
25. Ride a segway
26. Ride a tractor
27. Ride in a horse and carriage
28. Ride a mechanical bull
29. See baby seaturtles
30. Take a pottery class
31. Take pictures underwater
32. Dance the Thriller
33. Go on a paintballing day


1. Create a travel blog
2. Fly First Class
3. Go on a cruise
4. Go on a mother-daughter holiday
5. Pick a destination at the airport
6. Road trip with friends
7. Visit a volcano
8. Volunteer in a different country
9. Work at an American summer camp
10. Add to the love lock in Paris
12. Bet Red in Vegas
13. Bike in Central Park
14. Drink Guinness in Dublin
15. Drive Route 66
16. Get high in Amsterdam
17. Go grape stomping
18. Go nude on a (nudist) beach
19. Go to a rodeo
20. Go to the top of the Eiffel Tower
21. Go to the top of the Statue of Liberty
22. Ride a Gondola in Venice
23. See the Niagara Falls
24. See the Colosseum in Rome
25. See the Northern Lights
26. See the Parthenon in Athens
27. See the Pyramids
28. Spend Christmas in Disney World
29. Spend Christmas in New York
30. Spend Christmas on a beach
31. Spend New Years Eve in Times Square
32. Visit every Disney Land
33. Travel alone
34. Visit every continent in the world
35. Road trip with friends
36. Get in a NYC yellow cab and yell “follow that car!”
37. Visit Niagara Falls
38. Spend St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland
39. Post a letter to Juliet in Verona
40. Stay on a private island
41. Go on a Disney cruise
42. See the Sydney Opera House
43. Visit the Louvre
44. Ice skate in Central Park
45. ‘Hold Up’ the leaning tower of Pisa
46. Sleep in a 5 star hotel
47. Eat pizza in Italy
48. Visit the Hollywood Walk of Fame
49. Take a photo with the Hollywood sign
50. Go on an African safari
51. Walk on the Great Wall of China
52. See a panda
53. Party in Las Vegas
54. Stargaze on a roof
55. Watch a sunrise and sunset in the same day
56. Visit the ‘Friends’ building
57. Scuba Dive in the Great Barrier Reef
58. Stay in a log cabin
59. Go to a Full Moon Party in Thailand
60. Go to Rio Carnival


If you need some inspiration for your own Bucket List take a look at my Pinterest Board!

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